Session Based Test Management
Homework Recap:
Do some research into exploratory testing and how to manage sessions.Find a template and use it for a session. Write up what worked well and not so well. How would you change it for next time?
Using the template that works for you do more practice at home. Try one or two of those techniques and record how you got on.
Exploratory Testing
EXPLORATORY TESTING is a type of software testing where Test cases are not created in advance but testers check system on the fly. They may note down ideas about what to test before test execution. The focus of exploratory testing is more on testing as a "thinking" activity.
Exploratory Testing is widely used in Agile models and is all about discovery, investigation, and learning. It emphasizes personal freedom and responsibility of the individual tester.
Under scripted testing, you design test cases first and later proceed with test execution. On the contrary, exploratory testing is a simultaneous process of test design and test execution all done at the same time.
Scripted Test Execution is usually a non-thinking activity where testers execute the test steps and compare the actual results with expected results. Such test execution activity can be automated does not require many cognitive skills.
Though the current trend in software testing is to push for automation, exploratory testing is a new way of thinking. Automation has its limits
What is Session Based Test Management?
- Formulated by Jonathan/ James Bach
- Manages and tracks Exploratory Testing
- Testing tasks on a project divided into sessions
- A test session:
- A dedicated and uninterrupted period of exploratory testing
- Focussed on set objectives defined in a "Charter"
- Generates notes and lightweight reporting on the testing carried out
Test Charter 1
Heather Reid/ Expanded on by Ade Stokes
Explore (thing)With (resources)
To discover (information)
Ade talks about tailoring in a few ways such as;
Explore (thing)
As (persona/accessibility user)
With (resources)
To discover (information) Or;
To learn how to (feature/function) Or;
To execute a (tour/journey)
Likes- lots of space for developing/ exploring
Test Charter 2- Jonathan Bach (from Session Based Task Management)
What I like- everything is clear/ the tick list for the Areas/ there's a space for everything.
Charter 3 - Scott Kenyon
Likes- give you space for a debrief/ simple to use/
Test Charter 4- Qualitest
Qualitest SBTM
Exploratory test charters are used for keeping track of an exploratory test session’s findings. Exploratory testing itself is a documented approach to testing a system’s functionality with an architecture that is largely unknown.
Prepare for the exploratory testing session. Create the charter with the following format:
- Charter: The name of the charter, which is a sentence, describing what will be explored. The format for this should be the same as a bug name, terminated by a period.
- Areas: What was covered, describe the test harness used to test the system under test (SUT) and the areas of the SUT that were actually tested. Each entry in this section should be on its own line.
- Start: the start date and time.
- Tester: the tester’s name
- Task Breakdown:
- Duration: Short (30-60 mins)/Normal (60-90 mins)/Long (90-120 mins).
- Test Design and Execution: percentage of time spent on this phase of the exploratory test.
- Bug investigation and reporting: percentage of time spent on this phase of the exploratory test.
- Session setup: percentage of time spent on this phase of the exploratory test.
- Charter vs. Opportunity: Percentage of time spent on expected areas of the system under test (SUT) versus unexpected areas of the SUT that were undertaken and tested.
- Data files: any data that was gathered during the test, such as screen recordings, or screen shots. The path to this is acceptable
- Test Notes: Step by step “journal” of the exploratory test. The format for this is a sentence describing what actions were taken when testing, followed by bullets to describe the observations and steps performed to complete the action described.
- Opportunity: this section follows the same format at the preceding ‘Test Notes’ section, but covers what unexpected opportunities were taken during the exploratory test.
- Bugs: What bugs were found during the exploratory test. The format is a sentence bug name, followed by a section titled: “Steps to Reproduce,” then bulleted steps, a “Expected Results:” section then an “Actual Results” section. Each bug should be numbered.
- Issues: each numbered issue should be described in one or more sentences.
I liked parts of all of the above, but I need to use them to try them out- so I've decided to modify a bit of them all, and I will develop this as I use them more.
I am also quite a visual learner, so the colour is a big help for me!
I'm going to test it out with the Parking Cost Calc example from Test Buddy
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